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Sapphire Browser Feed your addiction – Your AppleTV & Mac just got better. |
Cover Art Chooser For TV Shows {Beta 7}
(Leopard Only) If TVRage doesn’t have cover art for a given episode, or you just don’t like the one you got; there’s a feature for that! Sapphire will generate ten screen captures for you to choose from, if you don’t like any of those ten, use the refresh and try again.
Cover Art Chooser Wait {Beta 7}
It’s a spinnin’ because it’s a workin’ (Leopard Only)
Mark Menu – Collections {Beta 7}
When accessing the “Mark Menu” for a collection – Additional options will be available such as customizing the collection name by using “Rename this Collection”.
Mark Menu – Files (2) {Beta 7}
Further information about each option can be found in the tool-tips when you select the option in question.
Mark Menu – Files (1) {Beta 7}
The “Mark Menu” has been updated and reorganized. There are several new file features. See the tool-tips provided in the menu for further information on what each option does.
Mark Menu – Directory {Beta 7}
You can now use the “Mark Menu” to add non-virtual directories as collections.
Poster Chooser {Beta 7}
The Movie Poster Chooser has been updated to display further information about the current movie you are selecting a poster for.
Rename Collection (2) {Beta 7}
Rename Collection (1) {Beta 7}
When selecting “Rename This Collection” on the “Mark Menu” you can customize the display name of the collection on Sapphire’s main menu.
Rename File {Beta 7}
From the “Mark Menu” you can now change a file’s name; assuming your ATV / Leopard User has write access to the file in question.
Movie Chooser {Beta 7}
In an effort to help you correctly identify a Movie we added the IMDB icon to the listing to clarify which importer is publishing the list you are choosing from.
TV Show Chooser {Beta 7}
In an effort to help you correctly identify a TV show we added the TVRage icon to the listing to clarify which importer is publishing the list you are choosing from.
View Menu – Virtual TV Show Directory {Beta 7}
TV Show episodes can now be sorted by air date. This is useful if your series has ‘specials’ that fall in between seasons.
View Menu – Movie Directories {Beta 7}
Movie virtual directories have been update to allow you to sort your identified movies by title, IMDB User Rating, or by Premier Date. Use the “View Menu” to change the sorting method.
Virtual Directory – Movie Cast {Beta 7}
Use the “By Cast” virtual directory to help find other movies in your collection that share the same actor.
Virtual Directory – Movie Director {Beta 7}
Use the “By Director” movie virtual directory to filter your movie collection.
Virtual Directory – Movie Genre {Beta 7}
Know what genre you want to watch, just can’t think of a movie? Use the “By Genre” movie virtual directory to filter your movie collection.
Virtual Directory – TV Show {Beta 7}
TV Series Virtual Directories have been updated to display both the season folders and episodes. This is useful when coupled with the ‘Unwatched’ filter since you won’t need to actually enter one of the season folders to play the next unwatched episode in the series.
Virtual Directory – IMDB Top 250 {Beta 7}
The IMDB Top 250 Virtual Directory displays all identified movies in your collection that are ranked on IMDB’s Top 250 List.
Virtual Directory – TV Show (2) {Beta 7}
Virtual Directory – TV Shows {Beta 7}
The TV Show Virtual Directory displays all identified TV Episodes Based on the series name. Selecting a given TV Series will display all identified seasons and episodes.
Virtual Directory – Movies {Beta 7}
The Movies Virtual Directory provides several different ways to browse your identified movies. If you’d just like to see them all at once; use “All Movies”
Main Menu – Beta 7 {Beta 7}
It is now possible to customize the main menu by adding additional collections. Additionally you can change display name of your collections to whatever you wish.
View Menu – Collections {Beta 7}
As usual, any directory (virtual or not) can always be filtered by our traditional means – Unwatched, Favorite, or All.
Mark Menu – Select Move Destination {Beta 7}
When using the “Move” Feature (Assuming your ATV / Leopard User has read/write access to the file/folder source/destination) when selecting the “Mark Menu” -> “Move to Here” on a non-virtual directory will complete the file/folder move.
TV Show Title Chooser {Beta 4}
The TV Show chooser has been updated – no more waiting for text to scroll! -
All Movies Virtual Directory {Beta 4}
Browse your movie collection in it’s entirety. They are all here in one spot!
Hide Collections {Beta 4}
Select which collections to display on the main menu. Turn them all off if you like and use the Virtual Directories for a concise clean look.
IMDB Top 250 Virtual Directory {Beta 4}
Browse your movie collection by IMDB’s Top 250 rank. See how well your tastes stack up to the world!
Import All Data {Beta 4}
Use the All Importer to run all three (File Data, TV Show Data, Movie Data) importers at once. This is ideal when you have added new files to your collection.
Main Menu – Updated {Beta 4}
Welcome to the updated main menu for Sapphire Browser. Browse your collection through the new TV Shows and Movies virtual directories, or use the traditional path directories. We have added the All Data importer to the main menu for faster access.
Movie Title Chooser {Beta 4}
Title selection made easy. Sapphire filters out irrelevant results leaving the best results often having the correct selection on top.
Movies Virtual Directory {Beta 4}
Sapphire’s Virtual Movie Directory Organizes your collection by several categories like genre, cast, and director. You can also see which movies in your collection have won an Oscar or are listed on IMDB’s Top250.
Academy Award Winners Virtual Directory {Beta 4}
See which movies in your collection have won one or more Academy Awards.
Movie Poster Chooser {Beta 4}
The Sapphire Movie importer allows you to choose which movie poster you like best. You won’t have to settle for anything less unless you aren’t running ATV 1.1 or Front Row – then you have to settle for what Sapphire chooses.
Settings Menu – Updated {Beta 4}
We have updated our settings menu with More settings, new icons. But the best part is we give you the ability to further customize Sapphire just the way you want.
Sapphire Beta 4 Preview (1.0b4) – Browsing Movies {Beta 4}
Preview Update:
- Fresh off the screen – here is a first look at Sapphire browsing movies. As you can see posters from IMPAwards really fit the bill for cover art; nobody likes Amazon’s images of DVD cases 🙂 . It still needs a lot of work, but it always nice to see good progress eh?
File Previews {Beta 1 , Beta 2 , Beta 3}
View file information in a preview pane.
The file preview displays specific details about the file including the audio and video decoding information. File specific details can be imported all at once using the file data import tool, or individually when browsing the files. Once you have ran the Fetch TV Data tool all of your correctly named files will have all the extra information you love gocking at.
Marking Files {Beta 1 , Beta 2 , Beta 3}
Switch effortlessly between playing and managing your file tags.
In all three browsing modes, it is possible to switch into a marking mode by using hitting the seek buttons on the Apple TV remote. In this mode selecting a file or directory will allow you to modify their tags respectively. Marking “All” will tag an entire directory (and subdirectory). This is extremely useful for tagging entire TV Shows or seasons as “Watched”. Marking files to “Retch TV Data” will force them to be rechecked the next time you run the Fetch Tool in the settings menu.
TV Data Fetch {Beta 1 , Beta 2 , Beta 3}
Collect TV Show information directly from TVRage.com.
This Because it just doesn’t make since to enter all this information manually especially when your TV show collection has hundreds of episodes. The Fetch tool will do all the work for you by pulling all your episode information directly from TVRage.com. If Sapphire can’t make a 100% match with a given file, it allows the user to choose the correct TV Show (or skip the file because it is a ‘special movie’). If the episode has a screen cap, Sapphire will grab that too as long as your Apple TV has write privileges where your files are located. (more…)
Meta Data Import {Beta 1 , Beta 2 , Beta 3}
Automatically Collect information about your media library.
Inside the Settings Menu is where you find this beast of a tool. Using this tool for the first time will take several minutes to complete, especially if your media library contains lots of goodies. It is highly recommended that you run the import when Sapphire is first installed. Once the import is completed, file browsing should not be hindered by the meta data getting updated. This import process will also import ATVFiles XML format files. (more…)
Sapphire Settings {Beta 1 , Beta 2 , Beta 3}
Settings Menu.
The settings menu offers several ways to change the display settings of Sapphire’s main menu. For the most part, the default settings shouldn’t get too annoying. The data gathered from the anonymous reporting (file names) is used for debugging current & future features.
Browse Shows {Beta 1 , Beta 2 , Beta 3}
Traditional file browser.
Using the default browser allows you to… browse your file collection unfiltered. All accepted file types (AVI,MPG,MPEG,MP4,MOV,WMV,FLV,DIVIX) will display, but will only play if you have the appropriate codecs ( Perian , Flip4Mac ) installed.
Favorite Shows {Beta 1 , Beta 2 , Beta 3}
Filters out all your favorite files.
Inside the Favorite Shows Browser all the files appropriately marked as “favorites” will appear ready to be played.
Unwatched Shows {Beta 1 , Beta 2 , Beta 3}
Display Only the media files that haven’t been watched.
The Unwatched folder will soon be your best friend. Once you have ran the meta data importer, all of your unwatched files will happily appear here ready to be watched for the first time. If you have files / folders showing up here you have already watched (before installing Sapphire) you can use the right arrow (seek) key on your Apple TV remote to switch into “Mark” mode. This will allow you to tag the file / directory as watched. Additionally, Sapphire is designed to automatically tag files as watched once they have been played beyond 90% of the duration so they won’t slip out of this menu on a miss-pressed key.