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  • Installing Sapphire Browser in Leopard

    Sapphire will now run on any (Intel or PPC) Mac running Leopard.

    1. First make sure you have Front Row installed – Pretty sure it is by default.
    2. Download Sapphire & Unzip to your desktop.
    3. If you are replacing an older version of Sapphire you will first need to remove the old copy.
      • Using the terminal* type: “sudo rm -r /System/Library/CoreServices/Front\”
      • OR Open /System/Library/CoreServices/ and select Front Right-click (or control-click) on it and select Show Package Contents. Navigate to Contents/Plugins and move Sapphire.frappliance to the trash
    4. Place Sapphire.frappliance in: “/System/Library/CoreServices/Front”.
      • Using the terminal* type: “sudo mv ~/Desktop/Sapphire.frappliance /System/Library/CoreServices/Front\”
      • OR Open /System/Library/CoreServices/ and select Front Right-click (or control-click) on it and select Show Package Contents. Navigate to Contents/Plugins and move Sapphire.frappliance into here.
    5. You will need to Authenticate to copy into this directory.
    6. Once copied into the directory you will need to make sure Front Row isn’t already running.
      • Using the terminal* type: “kill $(ps ax | grep [F]ront | awk ‘{print $1}’)”
      • OR Enter Front Row, wait a few seconds after it shows up, and hit Command-Option-Escape.
    7. Open Front Row using the “MENU” button on your Apple remote or double-click the Front Row application in your “Applications” menu. Also the keyboard sequence cmd-esc (Command-Escape) will automatically bring up frontrow.Enjoy!

    * To open a terminal window type “Terminal” into spotlight – it will be the top hit.